Friday, January 1, 2010

Free Movie Rentals from Blockbuster Express Machine

There are now Blockbuster Express machines around the valley that allow you to rent a movie for $1 per night. Rentals are due back by 9 pm the next day.

Here are some promotional codes to try that allow you to get a free 1 night rental:

GT9SA - expires 2/28/10
BBXDVD1 - expires 2/28/10
GOLIVE - expires 3/3/10
GT21A - expires 3/12/10
GL9RA - expires 3/31/10

*Also, if you sign up online, it will email you a promotional code as well.

Click here to find a location nearest you.


  1. Added a few more. Thanks Aimee!

    RENT1 - 1 free night rental - Expires 1/13/10

    RENT2 - Rent 1 get 1 free - Expires 1/13/10

  2. A few more to try for free rentals...
    GV9TA4 – expires 1/22/10
    G211A2 - expires 1/28/10
    TM9SA – expires 1/31/10
    GL9RA - expires 1/31/10

  3. A few more codes...
    GOLIVE - expires 3/3/10
    GT21A - expires 3/12/10
    GL9RA - expires 3/31/10
